Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

On the bright side...

I got the official news and unfortunately it was negative. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little bummed because I went in to this with such high expectations for the first round. When you stop to think about it though, as a surrogate you have to go into this process with high expectations. You have to believe it will happen on the first try and that everything will work out just as it should. There is definitely truth to the power of positive thinking. With that said, I am determined to have a positive outlook on this.

So in the spirit of looking on the bright side...
I get a break from the injections...woohoo! My poor bruised rump is in desperate need of a break.
I get to soak in the hot tub in the evenings.
I get to take scalding baths instead of showers.
Oh, and let's not forget that by having a later due date, I won't be as big as a house all Summer long...I may even be able to paint my own toes. =)

I know these are small things, but hey, it's those little things in life that makes me smile.

Anyway, I am not going to worry about it anymore because I know it will happen next time around...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Big Day!

I'm going to keep this short and sweet. My Hubby and I went down to LA and had a great time with one of the IP's. The other couldn't make it...busy bringin' home the bacon. We did miss him, but never the less, we got some quality time all together. We did the Transfer of two frozen embryos on Thursday (2/4) and I am very optimistic. The whole experience was quite surreal... and surprisingly fast! I don't even think the natural way is as quick as IVF ;). So, as I said, I'm feelin' good about the whole thing. I go in for my test this weekend, if I can find a place open, and I'll post more then...
Oh, and I'm sending some peace, love and positive pregnancy tests to all the other February transfers! Good Luck!


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